Dall-e cool prompts

So I just found few cool Dall-eprompts. Here they are:

  1. Futuristic Urban Landscape at Sunset: Visualize a city skyline 100 years in the future, blending traditional architecture with ultra-modern, sustainable technologies. The scene is set during a vibrant sunset, casting orange and pink hues across reflective skyscrapers adorned with vertical gardens and hovering vehicles in the background.
  2. Renaissance Festival in an Alien Civilization: Imagine a Renaissance festival set on an alien planet. The scene includes aliens in period costumes akin to 16th-century Earth, engaging in activities like jousting and feasting, but the architecture and flora are distinctly non-terrestrial, featuring bioluminescent plants and floating structures.
  3. Antique Library with Hidden Technology: A vast, ancient library with dark wooden shelves laden with dusty books. Hidden among these antique elements are subtle hints of advanced technology: holographic displays, books that float back to their shelves, and quiet, robotic librarians navigating the aisles.
  4. Interstellar Market on a Space Station: Craft a bustling market scene aboard a space station orbiting a distant planet. This market includes a diverse array of species from different galaxies, trading exotic goods like space spices, intergalactic artifacts, and advanced gadgets. The background shows a panoramic view of space through giant transparent domes.
  5. Post-Apocalyptic Nature Reclaiming New York City: Envision New York City several decades after a post-apocalyptic event, with nature reclaiming the urban environment. Skyscrapers are partially crumbled and overgrown with vines and trees, wild animals roam freely on the overgrown streets, and the city is bathed in the golden light of dawn, suggesting a new beginning.

I will keep this list updated!


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